Losing Weight: The Number One Mistake Most People Make

This question is asked very frequently on a day to day basis. The answer is simple but not many people want to hear the
One Mistake Most People Make
truth of the matter. The question is: how can I lose weight fast? The number one mistake most people make when trying to lose weight is trying to lose it fast.
Not only does this way of thinking cause confusion and frustration, it completely demolishes the person's self-esteem and kills off any ambition that drives this same person. They start out by looking for the quickest way possible. They search for their answer through Google and find advertisements for pills and other magical supplements. They go on to search more and discover the new hype of a dieting trend. Without any luck, they trip over their own feet and fail to find their answer.
It Won't Happen Over Night
I know, it's not what you wanted to hear - but it is the truth. A person is over weight because of the execution of a variety of habits on a day to day basis over time. No one becomes over weight within 24 hours. This also means that no one can lose the weight in that same time. To change the shape of our bodies means to implement a new combination of habits and burn these habits into our daily lives. And only then, can we expect to see desired results over time.
A person once told me that you don't really notice being overweight. They said you just "wake up" one day and there it is - the round belly and chunky limbs.
I remember that same scenario happened to me a few years back. While I was traveling in the Far East, I came across a lot of great tasting foods. I dived right in. Not even a year later, I had noticed a picture of myself taken from someone I knew. It was a fortunate side view where I could clearly see the pot belly that grew around my waist line.
The First Step a Person Should Take
After being quite shocked I moved into action. I started doing push ups, chins, crunches, and other natural weight resistance exercises. I started to eliminate the sugars and unnecessary carbohydrates from my diet. I was never really a huge pop drinker prior to traveling but the soft drinks there tasted much better than the ones in North America. And yes, I also cut the carbonated drinks out of my diet completely.
The most important part was that I had a clear cut image in my head of what I wanted my stomach to look like. After about 6 weeks of following my own advice, my belly shrank and I was back to my desired weight. For some, it may take longer than 6 weeks. It could take them longer than a couple of months depending on how long they have been growing the size of their body. The amount of time is not what matters. It's arriving at your destination that matters.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8152977

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